Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Combining the old with the new.

I have recently completed my first commission which has inspired a new collection of work.

'Nastashia's Collection' 2013, bone china butterfly & moth tiles, mounted on painted wood.

This commission 'Natashia's Collection' has taken the ideas of an older project 'Curious?', 2011 and displayed the concept in the same manor as my recent 'tile collection series'.

Collection33, 2012. Part of Tile Collection Series.

'Collection33' 2012 is made up of bone china tiles which have a glazed circle. Some of the tiles also have the addition of either copper wire or fine silver wire. All are inscribed with a number which represents the glaze used.

Curious?, 2011. Detail.

Intrigued by Cabinets of Curiosities I created a hoard of bone china curios to create 'Curious?'. Hundreds of butterflies, moths, and keys were displayed in a locked Victorian jewellery box, and the viewer was provided with the key and a antique magnifying glass.

'Nastashia's Collection' 2013. Detail.

I want to use these butterfly images further, built on them with colour and other details to create an intriguing pattern. I plan to first use my bowls as a surface to explore this concept with.

Natashia's Collection, 2013. Detail.

As any maker will say, with their concept the possibilities are endless, and I have believed this also, but this work has really encouraged me. I am excited about my future projects and am eager to see where my work and concepts lead.

Natashia's Collection, 2013. Detail.

Sunday, 20 January 2013

I'm on Facebook


Finally set up a facebook page for my work. Like my twitter page, I intend to keep my facebook page up to date with the latest ideas I am working on, photos, and news on upcoming events. Please take a look by clicking here and any 'like's will be very much appreciated.

So thats blog done, etsy done, twitter done, facebook done, arts thread portfolio pending, slowly but surely I am spending all over the internet :)

Next... an actual website!